
The complex democratic theory and individuality

   The animal abandons its companion alone, is injured, sick, or old. The motives are related to the impossibility of taking its herd journey, a rapine animal attacking it, being hunted by humans, or another reason that leads it to die alone. The journey at time course to survive the herds is important. There is no conscientiousness because it is not social human history. Education has tried to change that wild character around us since early history. That work wants to show an educational moral crisis that has led the people to a social psychological issue, the fears. In the first moment, we introduce the reading to democracy, equality, and its relations with freedom and moral values in the ethical decision. We reflect on formation, training for work, technicism, technoscience, and humanities. We treat punishment, fear, and social reactions as exclusion, cancellation, and annulment. Perhaps we have had respect and care for others since our human antiquity, and today, we would want to

Rancor and Resentment - stagnation of feeling and incapacity to overcome

     The moral and ethical values do not move. Thinking without constructing is impossible; thinking is a construction process. They stagnated and closed the possible construction, and the referenced boat - from that metaphor - does not follow the meaning and the sense of a projection optimistic for life knowledge. A creative human value from social relationships.  The Rancor closed that possibility. Resentment is the return on yourself of something that happen in that the resented person is submerged in an atmosphere whose "scent" indicates or gives a tip that the situation is sunk in the foul water from the present. The Resentment has that. Someone is involved with a turbid feeling he does not understand, which, within that psychological paradigm, is a no action, establishing a sensation from that needs to react against that inopportune feeling. The resented search that, it was floundering in the mud. Many things move us, but Rancor and Resentment cause loss, and doing th

Fragmento de interacción, objeto relacional en el grupo social fascista.

       No se trata de corrupción ni de corromper la legitimidad, más aún porque la hermenéutica en su exégesis habla de sí misma, de donde parte, de la técnica, de la vuelta del complejo en una obviedad tipológica, cabe por tanto cualquier neologismo o fragmentación, más aún.      Así porque permanece en la misma medida y en diferentes tamaños, pero potencialmente igual, encajando así en el tradicional casillero escolástico que produce el canon, decisiones no éticas sino dogmáticas. Una vez más, las medidas de los espacios como objeto, al insertarse técnicamente en él, la flexibilidad de lo que estaría adentro con lo que estaría afuera tendría justicia como mediador en el borde de la cosa referida, de la problemática del derecho. Planteado, una previsión obstinada que se dirige hacia un cierto doble, a la duda de que la conclusión jurídica definida no escape a la argumentación técnica maniquea de su validez.      La voluntariedad es gratuita, un bien social si es voluntaria, si está pr

The dance

  a chalk dances front blackboard Grumbles between lessons say there is a being there they listen the motivational speeches Menaces and persecution There is those whom pat students on the head to comfort them the class begins: hello loosers out class seeking well some jobs wait formation end Bad they know that the dreams are deposited in the  banks and the advantage of incompetency is mere formality that the social market decides #######  Pedro Moreira Nt


Personality It is a mask constructed in the social relationship. Persona is the Greek name for a mask. Personality is more interesting; it is the quality that one can evaluate yourself. No one has how to make that without the Other. So, Personality is a duality between at least two people But, we are constructions of thinking. The thinking comes from social life. Life with many people. We are floating in life, our anchor, the Personality is very fragmented , atomized. Personality does not exist; in reality, is impossible. However, we use masks. One for going to school, another for go church, some specials for going see friends, for etiquette on the table, and others more follows. We mold or better, we construct our character, learning to use the masks for each occasion. Well, the masks come from cultural and social coexistence that we can have in society. We use the norms and rules socials to coexist with others. Moral habits, ethical decisions, creating and learning and teaching on th

The Cat on the Moon (a short story)

tree tomato of orange color is sweet not very It is a shrub not too big nor too tall We had on a corner of the garden a bench under it there were old sounds from an age some fables come from memory the cat exhibitionist that climbed a top of tamarillo and when the light moon launched its mysterious rays led him to live there I tried to see him there once a time I was seeking a signal his tail at least anything to prove the story as real I heard a noise in the darkness and something rolled near me I did not know what there was Was it a fruit from the egg tree? Since my childhood I have doubt My grandfather appeared and took a cat from the bushes He gave me a golden kitty - I think that he came from the moon. A gift. And we called him Gold Moon. but could have been called Gold Tomato too I loved him Long time after I read about the goddess Moon Bastet. I discovered many cats name that represents the Moon