The complex democratic theory and individuality

   The animal abandons its companion alone, is injured, sick, or old. The motives are related to the impossibility of taking its herd journey, a rapine animal attacking it, being hunted by humans, or another reason that leads it to die alone. The journey at time course to survive the herds is important. There is no conscientiousness because it is not social human history. Education has tried to change that wild character around us since early history. That work wants to show an educational moral crisis that has led the people to a social psychological issue, the fears. In the first moment, we introduce the reading to democracy, equality, and its relations with freedom and moral values in the ethical decision.

We reflect on formation, training for work, technicism, technoscience, and humanities. We treat punishment, fear, and social reactions as exclusion, cancellation, and annulment.

Perhaps we have had respect and care for others since our human antiquity, and today, we would want to preserve that good to be shared with others and reach a better stage of social knowledge. Education is the way to do this by being prescriptive. Still, we want to protect the difference-seeking like the Western democracy, the theory of equality, and save whoever of a social banishment be whatever motive. We have put the people in a world that wants people free without exception. From that, the hard educational work is to educate people with that principle, drive them for a democratic world that makes the exigency of freedom, and to understand it.

Freedom in democratic countries only happens if one learns to be free. Someone should teach democracy as an exercise of rights in its social application. Education integrates democracy meaning, a category that makes the origin of that system. Democracy is not abstract if there are democratic conditions for our choice exercise. We have the right, and we owe it to practice. Human history would not survive alone. We need each other as we need ourselves.

The other is not a complementation of ourselves nor a reflection that we call Possible. That category incorporates democratic thinking that constitutes the other in our lives. Without theory and practice, we create a subjectivity that expels and abandons the other, eliminating possible freedom. We need the Other to learn, know more, and share the practice. The democratic exercise and its practices come from social relationships and interactions. We should contraposition, create contradictions, feed debates, learn to overcome issues afflicting the social corpus, and always reach the right to liberty. We could see that humanity lives in a system, in scale, producing structures and breaking out those structures to recuperate or create another.

In that scale and structures could know from citizens a liberty level in a democracy. How much less the social condition, the relations down, the learning in humanity falls, disappear the values, the singularity turns individuality, scarce money, rise the exchange as a mode of social interaction, the things gain power, the human potential excluded, the moral and ethical achievement lost it around a mess of political populism and dictatorship which rule society for the chaos.

Whether the world requires a social duty to acquire as long as liberty is a duty, it only would be possible through an individual responsible for their actions and moral and legal limits for each one. It supposes a development that produces a moral regulation for each student. However, it takes into account the differences in social conditions and moral values. Education would help the students to know a real sense of moral values and ethics in its application.

The equality of the liberty right, if not is, should be the first matter to be taught at school, in all educational places in an interdisciplinary program. Democracy proposes a state of the right to equality, not a place but something integrally present in our lives: where we go, we leave our knowledge of theory, understanding, and practices to be free. In those countries, whoever can be is a constitutional proclaim of liberty that must be taught and practiced, a right, and a democratic duty. 

Education, the possible other, and liberty are the categories that implant a sense of right and justice constituting democracy.

Wich Education?

Social Education was the motive for constituting democracy because of learning with others and teaching it.

Human history shows that the social condition of  Education is not separated from state and government action. However, it seeks to follow legality and proposes a moral applicable to ethical decisions having the other as the substance in these relations: educational policies, moral values development, and decision ethic. It is not separated. It is integrally present in a democratic structure, in a social institution.

While a system is a democracy applicable, while the subject lives in their interest, will, moral values, and ethical decisions, it does not correspond with the history of capitalism. Accumulation and greed, monetary, and advantage be in goods or social condition, the democracy fails. 

Education is before teaching and learning within social life. We are educated through relations and interactions without other mains, copy gestures, words, and modes of making and using something. The other was not a complementarity but a singular presence that bore our actions. Human knowledge history, after millennia, was discovered by equivalence factors that learn the democratic structure. With high industrial development, it changed its position. 

The cyclic crisis made changing educational policies crossing methodologies needed in each historical period. When the social and economic turmoil reaches a high level, for example, unemployment, the educational process is affected. We live in an epoch of technological development that needs rapid techniques for any workplace. The fault of that professional made the demand increase as happened before in history.

Education changed its direction and tried to attend to the urgency and necessity of the capital, not of education. So education, through educational policies that rule learning and teaching others, accomplishes the legal order, turning education bound with capital adjustment.

Education for work dispenses other disciplines in this ideal abandonment of cultural and put-out moral values. Another knowledge emerges and is also necessary for human formation.   What can be done?  

Education for work

The technique by technique in its specific feature does not permit criticism. Learning is focused, silent, obedient, task doer and serious process because, in any country where public schools do not reach college formation, the technicism is beneath because of the high unemployment rate, treated like it was humanitarian help for class, indeed the speed technical education can cause social change.

The learning method is like training for occupations driven to work or entrepreneurship to create new work sources. What is important is for the Capital to deserve an army with workers' preparation. Really, the dispensed efforts produce super-formations, therefore, that wait for that opportunity. More time to prepare makes capitalism breathe.

We could understand the technicism function but could only understand some changes that leave out the human disciplines. In that way, social relationships are on hold because it was directed to the utilization of the subject. The formation only for work makes the subject someone serviceable and functional in its process of restriction of humanities, turning it into the object on which work subsumed. It is the educational process of the thingification. Utilitarianism is in full steam ahead.

In this context, a usable man appears as apt as things are. Social relations are a way of exchange: give me something and exchange another. It is easy to understand the emergence of social groups that do not compress capital society, the groups hidden into small numbers of people, and the ideology that these groups hold is centered on one activity for income and does not require an anthology of the development of thought for understanding. We know that the dominant in these groups remains auto-centered in their interest.

The learning focused on the time used in utility, whereby the man transformed like an object. Capitalism perfectly fits in all democratic senses. Liberty is not a generality of being free, bound liberty to get things, money, and accumulation.

To be free is only justified to be for anything, in the direction of something. We are gregarious people, and we need human coexistence and not things. It is not by chance that capital structure seeks to convince people that democracy is a scheme to move the market, create aims, schedules, aims for life, the scale of function on time, and concurrency. 

The vision of life from a God is reliable, showing the above-below in all structural order in organizations and institutions. It is a power relation in that this transports the moral values, cultural coexistence, ethical decisions of each one, the transcendental thinking, and the beliefs right of the other, modifying the divine plenitude in a terrain power. It is like assigning and approving a world of individualities, separating each with a subtle desire to overcome their situation.

The totality of human beings now is separated because God suddenly trusts in the Capital trusts in Him, translated as money, leaving each one without complete social relations and interaction and lacking the right to make choices. Education teaches through manuals, training in a systematic way for an individual that needs to work, using that condition of urgency, and leaving out humanism. Technism emerges with functionalism and utilitarianism to speed formation for work.

Work is all that humanity needs to survive, survive the same hard labor activity, sweating our hope as payment for our sins, and not knowing how to coexist with others. We killed our brothers. We are sons of Cain, Set, Tagishimimi, and Anunnaki. Technicism is a way of increasing human separation, fragmenting the relations with knowledge in different specificities. It is a way to teach that does not permit invasive criticism. The focus is on fomenting and providing for occupation, jobs, and work; entrepreneurship teaches someone to create an enterprise.

With unemployment, something the capital also creates collective educations like a supplement ideology provoking, in the name of God of the Democracy the associationism like coworking, coliving spaces, and others cooperative organizations confirm a society divided and summed in multiples groups activities like social segregation, seems feudalism atomized.

Educational speeding is the mechanism for technique formation, a case of economic issues, and a lack of technicians in an increasing market. According to the capital change position, and the technology changes its localized features, new other techniques are necessary to implement its production. It does not correspond in a continuity that remains on the job. 

Also, it does not think of the development of a professional career. It is cyclical and by determining time, and it may take longer than it might think at first, but it is not a formation for professional ascension. It is the opened door from the market in the educational area, where the technicism propelled from lateral organizations that seek to influence the emergent democracies to believe how much the more mathematically abstract and more focused on technology development, the more the mind and, by extension, a society can be better. It is not true; how much we do not have humanism each time shows the social decadence with more power of capital growth.

Technicism on education is the principle of injustice and authoritarian government. Politics does not separate from all public education policies; internal rules like schools and dispatches of norms for an institution reflect the general politics. No political is out that mirrors social and capital movements.  

Working part-time is turned into work all the time, as that life was made of complementarity, always waiting for another job and going behind it, a startup, in standup to complement the necessary incomes to survive. Do not have a possibility of a career for a long period. Technicism rules are a directive for a future in the present, to increase the economy as a guarantee of social welfare. It speedily changes in the work world, and the work post is disappearing in different courses, and other specificities are locked because we need the other skills, and what we know does not fit more. Education would only be able to promote the person if it is done quickly as an intervention in our way of life. We need other relations with work and incomes that traditionally it offers.

Emotion, affective memory, moral values, taking an ethical position about anything, life in a singular sense personal to future projects, profession, and educative formation, learning to construct someone with a general view about the other with sensitivity to understand what doing here, these categories seeming dislocated from the actual context that is living.  

To be better than the other is the accumulation of capital ideology. In other words, it wants to say, work all the time while you can. Transgressing Aristotle's thought: do as I say, not as I do. We must remember the other Aristotle's quote: a swallow does not make summer. What is wrong?

The war history shows how failed in education relation. It was, in terms of technological development, economic forces, and fewer moral values. The aesthetic of the war is the absurdity, in all senses that can have, of human stupefaction was never in anywhere imagined applied technicism. Complete human thingification, subsumed lives, of reification on a scale with positivism and utilitarianism. And, technicism as a source of all evils is called the path of human hope.

In that time, in the cyclic capital movement, we see emerging race injuries, origins, and social conditions, increasing a religious view of good. Will be salvation by monetary, and this not hidden, is evident, a time in which drugs, corruption, and wars are present in our lives. This historical period that we cross divides urgent social themes with any types and knowledge chains into conceptual units that do not talk with other concepts. It is evident and open for those who want to see it. We walk toward a stranger world with separated lives in communitarianism whose rules do not follow the same path. We need to see around the capital movement so that change reaches our understanding of the other.

Education then participates in economic difficulty caused by capital force, piercing all ideals of human formation. It divides the social, uses cultural features, and gives and takes out welfare mains. The public approval of technicism comes from the rapid conquest of work points, low educational investment, the earnings result, a benefit to the family home, some security, and other things. However, technicism is the historical reflex of populism. It is a way of taking back authoritarianism; a secessionist preaches a Buddhist inversion of no thinking.

The absent other

  Technical hegemony is only possible with humanity's elimination of the educational disciplines. It happened for the first time with learning with local stances disciplinary. Easy, a country ruled teaches only its proper history, teaching to exclude another country, other peoples, races and cultures, and the rest of humanity. The students go out of primary, secondary, and high school only knowing its importance, understanding that the other does not exist or matter.

This situation comes from historical periods of belief in liberalism ( its actual form types are not definitive. Neoliberalism and socialism are rooted in technical work as the main solutions to immediate social problems. The hybridism, summing a liberal government in the state and sprawling socialism to the population leveled down, is a new age of slavery or is a manifestation of powerful capitals that try to control the differences separating each one. Is it for where the cancellation and annulment emerge?

Before this timing, we living the people treated the current situation as inharmonious, and if it were democracy dystonia cause as if as a spirit of debauchery wandered from freedom to momentary or continuous segment, the maximum expression of the singularity cloistered in its opinionated and anarchy, that living is something else, something in everything, for being a thing in itself. And we forget that the Capital movement makes the animal retaken.

When a powerful force takes for itself a technique with technology disruptive, sometimes destructive, it rebirths the cynicism and cruelty judged by that same democratic leader in groups, the tragic life of animals of the kind without understanding the real state in which they live. Why do power nations with high educational indexes not understand? 

Technology is more applicable in violence in its correspondent resolutions of trouble through new Achilles than peaceful, welfare, and social development. A low sense of correct acts does let out moral values, falling by the ground the hope of ethical decisions in exchange for a monetary premise: we won, smashing them like eternal enemies do not exist more competition. Any more conflicts?

It permits making a joke for those fell by weapons command, any weapons, propaganda, technology developed, money balances, business, market domination, the commodity. Speed education for few does not take part, is centered on individuality, is functional, and practices. It has the function of a tool that fits in the work market.

Less understanding that 6 and 8 summed is two nuclear bombs correlating that 69 is the Ying and Yang, a simple code of war that relapses on millennial culture, which does not import. Technoscience precisely has this name because of building machines, technology, things, techniques, computational design, and algorithms with cartesian knowledge in the modern university. 

Another possible question in that understanding is the perception of the other as a subject of will, desires, and rights, which is equivalent to the context of the educational community. The educational reality would be ubiquitous in its actions and seek to be equanimous in “lato sensu.” 

Therefore, free, democratic learning is not instrumental or technical. Education follows legal duty and the equality right defined in democracy. Education wants to transform students into better people, independent of law or democratic ideals. 

No one can be out of that process is the exigency of freedom in the democracy theory. In that early sense of democracy, the education sense is to educate the persons, make them sweet, flexible in this vision from the other having a resilience of moral protection, care with the habits, costumes, values in a culture. However, that historical period was not for all. Thus, democracy seeks social welfare in the same forms. Education enhances the human value and creates an educational community with social welfare.

Security and methods of protection come throughout society. Given that security is the same as a common law guarantee, protection is the ethical act that acts in social relations. Makarenko teaches from his work pedagogy that older students care more about youth. We thought that a solid basis of security and guarantee of protection were the prospection that created a regular education since infancy for all. A place secure in a school, a high school, or a college would make the difference between learning in an office, in the workspace or learning a trade where the techniques and theory in practice happen.

It is not liberalism, socialism, or something like ideologic hybridity that makes its rules because the Western educational plan was planted to the population for the work, forming workers with a democratic ideal, the personal life choice relapsed on the subject. Until the choice is not a simple option, the democratic sense is born. 

Choose a path to follow in life to instruction, and learn through training, seeking a career, and professionalization. In each historical moment, they have specialized required functions. Each historical time changes, and specialists were to be necessary.

Each time, more turning is necessary for the specialists, and with this specificity in the knowledge construction of specific, less generalist, and less moral sense and ethical decision.

Subjectivity is affected by rational functionalism, a command for a utilitarian person, sight like a tool, an object of use discardable, a tragic historical process of thingification, an under a map of existence with defined objectivation, subsumption to work. Paths closed for bureaucracy imposing a reification of the person in a world structured and systematically put under control.

An education free is a recent idea, with fewer conditions for thinking by itself, someone dependent on a culture learned, idiosyncrasies in quiet apartheid, more efficiency, and less sense of equality and democracy. However, we do not need to go longer. Modern educational features follow the policy's rules. We know it is through social and interactional relations that we learn about humanity.

The other is still in the beginning that unknown someone that does not is a peer, partner, a feat, or in other words, someone that does not have a social nickname, a cultural belonger, or one that has a personality or a character force, resilience for support injuries, social cancellation. 

A regular education could leave someone alone in the classroom community as the individuality it is, and with a position about what can be for subject autonomy, a knowledge in function for executing something. We have had some questions that cross this theme. To be alone is different from being in a lonely state. Being alone could lead to loneliness, affecting mental health like depression, sadness, anguish, fears and anxiety, and other illnesses. In these circumstances, a person is seen as having a powerful condition to overcome through resilience and transformation.

Alone means a stereotype of force, energy, or a moment in which one has the power of self-potential to work to catch power from oneself. From that, the self is like a life's source without end, as a place where we take everything, including success, from the beginning of the educational process.

Learning to be strong, a citizen, someone free who acts in the social reality like someone can say: he made it alone. To do something alone is the silent promise to be a hero. The great punishment put each one in this little corner. A pedagogical method of separation for a fragmented life comes from educative ways that separate by size, height, age, race, and other characteristics like color, smarter, and social condition. The methodology that leads to staying alone when Nature teaches, like what happens between ants, learning together, and each one with its cellular, smartphone, or computer, alone, with the other, but alone, working the mind in a perceptual logics.

Education effort to encounter a balance between democratic teachings and capital exigency has participated in that society as that emotionally punishes those who do not participate in the classroom community as is lawly required. Educational worlds that contradictorily want to form people to be free to make decisions on life as to turn an individual without a direct relation with the society around, if not to have income with its social actions most of your life.

The behavior as a character could be as a figure that shows contrariety in the mirror of ourselves, wanting to say that the external world influences the students' lives. The psychological situation, health of each one, and the connection with the social condition and family are present in the thinking modes, social relations in school, classroom community, and general behavior. This external world also influences the educational policies, the behavior of the educational community, and the classroom community. It leaves the students only trainers of a reality that is not required or desired.

Education today needs an interdisciplinary pedagogy for which moral and ethical learning must happen, as well as liberty sense in a democracy. This sense is opened, showing us the meaning of being secure and having protection in an educational institution, a place not to fear, a place that reflects the policies of a democratic country that corresponds with liberty sense and teaches human values, social and educational punishment causes exclusion, cancellation, harassment of any types, tortures, control, overt surveillance, defame, nullification, and intimidation.

The intelligence is being assassinated on the street. It is evident, and it is clear, like lightning running night — days like nights. Another intelligence takes place, a technique form made by immoral — shadow transformed into darkness.



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