Rancor and Resentment - stagnation of feeling and incapacity to overcome


   The moral and ethical values do not move. Thinking without constructing is impossible; thinking is a construction process. They stagnated and closed the possible construction, and the referenced boat - from that metaphor - does not follow the meaning and the sense of a projection optimistic for life knowledge. A creative human value from social relationships.  The Rancor closed that possibility. Resentment is the return on yourself of something that happen in that the resented person is submerged in an atmosphere whose "scent" indicates or gives a tip that the situation is sunk in the foul water from the present.

The Resentment has that. Someone is involved with a turbid feeling he does not understand, which, within that psychological paradigm, is a no action, establishing a sensation from that needs to react against that inopportune feeling. The resented search that, it was floundering in the mud. Many things move us, but Rancor and Resentment cause loss, and doing that, thoughts leave to be creative to be led to actions of cruelty in a stupefying of human signification.  To hate someone, the mother, friends, dad, and others is necessary for a tough psychological influence to produce these emotions.
The rational does not live alone without emotions and feelings. However, these emotions produce effects. Who influences what? The ideologies, the condition social into capitalist thinking, the social resistance movement for right, the politics, social programs, and the oppressors, inconceivable will, an affective memory from childhood, and encrusted ideas do not clear what. Still, these situations in mind carry something that moves with someone. The conscience from that feeling that causes many wrong actions can be treated in many ways.
Rancor and Resentment are submerged feelings established on the surface as a response or counterposition to divergencies and misunderstanding, among other causes. The emotions transformed in Rancor and Resentment come from a character functional and utilitarian, from a life made of loss, of hidden thunderous selfishness created from a bond with things in which that soul is subsumed in an exchange relationship, in an approach instrumental which is the main motive relational on this person's life. It is simply exchanging a thing for another thing.
The thing as a base makes the perception structured in materiality.
The perception of the other while being a thing is seen as a place of domination, where the social agent does not lose his condition - a competitive condition he needs to be the winner, in a world where a qualitative jump does not consist of human value. In that, human relationships are put away. The world vision includes ourselves. It is decisive to have an extended, collaborative life in society. Nevertheless, countered by concepts of liberty of thinking, from moral structure, knowledge, and sensibility, the instrumental vision of the world is locked in an valuable perception of the other while thing condition. It is defined as possession of advantage, the gains, reward in the thing - the interest object, friends by edge, loves by earn. Money is essential nowadays and comes to facilitate our life. The other is not that.
The Rancor and Resentment are a sickness from capitalism that naturalize a life expropriated of sense. That it enters the thought bonding it as an economic characteristic for human relations, that this sedimentary ideology, by the end, turns it present in interest groups, and consistent materiality, as a tangible thing. However, it is a peripheral understanding from the other, a low looking about the life sense, impossibility of a knowledge ethic, and a belief in humankind. Thus, the other is like a thing. Those who live and think that way see themselves as a thing too. Maybe he does not know, but it is. It does not sound impossible for Evil to be created by an injunction of human formation. In a situation of persecution, someone seeks a wrong, and any bad that counterpoises to the other. It is like an ellipse from perception in that the persecutor tries to guess some denial in the additional escaping from his suffering. He desires to destroy any mark of a correct life from which he has caused a bad. He needs help understanding the different modes of thinking from the other while living in functional determination through objects or things.
The instrumental vision of life, the grotesque practices, cause that.
Does not have any perception of equality or equivalence about a human.  It is understandable in an instrumental life, valued by others like him, by instrumental people with Rancor and Resentment.
Causing bad in the other is like an exchange of thing by thing. To dominate or manipulate is a way of conquest. It is the same that owning anything.
The rancorous and resentful man believes that the bad caused is an object of pride, honor, moral action, or teaching. He believes that is teaching the world to be like him "a wisdom."
The rancorous and resentful, it is one step away from turning to daredevil. What fed and still fed your behavior and conduct is believing yourself to be "sincere" and "honest." It is the response to your feelings through the ideology that we should fight against "Evil" - those that think differently from him.

The Rancor and Resentment move the ideologies, any ideology like it was an application of a force of might, a justification for your behavior.
Rancor and Resentment are intent on overcoming themselves in the same fallacy, in group social learning of interest with the functional advantage that cannot have anything that gets in the way of reaching your objective (the thing) - the people with Rancor and Resentment consider themselves like a something too, from a diverse form and patterns. 
They are believed to be useful (to "personal society") and came to the world to dispute, with all the weapons, the most sordid possible, a place, a position of power, money, and shopping.
Without the Rancor and Resentment, the person may feel null, lost in the sea deep of your ignorance. 

The Rancor and Resentment are potency in that triggering modes of defense against yourself are revealed in another.
Great dictators ate the peace history and made war, creating their "own" account. They eliminated people contrary to him and persecuted intellectuals and poets, but he did not understand or accept them. Indeed, he benefitted the gross or rude people like his agent, chiefs in organizations, and institutions as managers with profound ignorance and cruelty like him.
Bad human formation produces that psychological reaction of enmity, generally "secret"; bitterness. Life is a box where they store hate, hatred, revenge, and surveillance with vengeance.
The final problem is that the Rancor and Resented live in alert of surveillance against anyone who can oppose their low pretensions. 
So, it is difficult for a soul of Rancor and Resentment to say that he could be a better human—risk of death.  A daily attempt to provoke a bad that relapses on the other, like using negative words in gossip, defamation about someone, trying to create conflicts, inventing mechanisms of torture, cancellation, abandonment, social exclusion, and constructing in the social middle, the unconfident. It is a mirror on whom bad causes he reflects a violent spirit is bound from Rancor and Resentment. Do not have equality or equivalence about a human. It is an understandable value from another by instrumental people with Rancor and Resentment. Causing a bad in the other is an exchange, thing by thing, because it is the same that owning something. 
The rancorous and resented man believes that the bad caused is an object of pride, honor, moral action, or teaching.
The rancorous and resentful is one step away from turning a daredevil. What fed your behavior and conduct is the belief in yourself to be "sincere" and "honesty" in response to your feelings with the ideology that we should fight against Evil.
The other is to have as Evil, and for that to happen to be accurate, we must, at minimum, be demons.

Rancor and Resentment are intent on overcoming themselves, reaching the good, all the goods. It is a manifestation of social learning about the interest, a deal. It is a way of life that cannot have anything that gets in the form of reaching your objective (the thing) - the people with Rancor and Resentment consider themselves like anything too. With the Rancor and Resentment, these people may feel free. To cause a bad in another is a defense, a mode against yourself revealed in another but not known or recognized by those who bad causes. He attacks the other for a feeling of welfare, a "grace" state. 

A sadism or a masochism in itself.
Famous dictators ate the peace history and made the war history with their names at neon, eliminating peoples contrary to him, persecuting intellectuals, poets and artists, and ordinary folks. However, those who did not understand or did not accept his mand died of suffocation in tragic reality with the absence of intelligence. Indeed, it benefitted the gross or rude people like his agents of corporate and institutional, little chiefs, forepersons, land tenants, and other managers with profound ignorance and cruelty like him.
Bad human formation produces a psychological reaction to enmity, generally "secret"; there is bitterness, stored hate, cold hatred, revenge, and surveillance with a vengeance.
The mighty history of the power is filled with that kind of people.
Severe and violent souls, stupefied by a position, a gain, monetary earn, people that read books like they were manuals, having the full incapacity to understand a metaphor, a life in weapons, criminals with ties and suits. There is that shape in education, and they are called professors. They persecute students, friends, colleagues, techniques-educative, and neighbors. They just many people do not realize their dreams of a formation. 
They reprove for minimal grades and decimal notes only to punish from their little vision of the other.
It is his happiness to others' disgrace.

It were forty years of academic studies, of exclusive dedication to cause the bad, a justification for a lousy understanding of themselves.
Besides that, Rancor and Resentment have configured structures of stoned souls. The human necessity of another is like a way to discover the face, the testimony from another that says who we could be. It can sound like a mistake, but the expression from others traces our existence.
To want to coexist with only whom want us well is envy or not truth; we are all the time living in social risk, seeking an exit from the hall of things-same.
We have a fragile life sustained by a little golden chain.
So, it is not possible that a bad past can be constituted in our character. We are transforming and transforming beings. We can learn and be better persons living in multiple knowledge spheres, participating like we are. Furthermore, we are living in the wave in variations, surfing on the diverse and diversified reality.  The emotions that lead to anger and envy also occasionally indicate a way of liberation from Rancor and Resentment, which live internalized and need prolonged social therapy to remove or possibly transform a "think-thing" that is in commandment for that can drive someone toward humanity and his values. Rancor and Resentment - stagnation of feeling and incapacity to overcome.
A recognizing of yourself.
Social psychology with a social therapist, a behaviorist, a cognitivism therapist, and approach neuropsychology or systemic therapy, someone that can talk. We should seek someone to help us understand ourselves. We are here, separated but together, living in a world where communication is a sales specialty. Buy would be the existential reason. To live at risk and in the unfortunate perception of welfare possible and future coincides with a lack of justice, legality, citizen protection, human improvement, creativity, cultural expression and manifestation, space open to art and artist, and education.

The social problem of health is relational with capitalism's vision of a self-centered yourself.
To do what can be possible, to have what needs to live, to construct a life with joy, a good vision of the future with hope, and to want whatever desire without being covered of Rancor and Resentment, it is not acceptance of a fate. It is freedom that "dreamed countries" democracy can offer. While they do not exist in reason of technicism, we could also turn to dream and believe with hopes in a future in the present.

The ethical act that constructs the possible.
Victims from Rancor and Resentment - personalistic in many cases - can be encountered in the history of great thinkers, sages, creative people, scientists, intellectuals, and many simple people. Many of them believed that the suffering that they had it were living was a thing of fate.
Emotions are signals about something that happens to people, and human tries to understand through a rational appeal. Feelings are the emotions fitted in toward recognition of someone and something.
We all need someone to talk about what is difficult in our life. 
Psychology through professional psychologists can help us. For example, vengeance can be a piece of a complex intertwined with many other intents. However, the beat of vengeance caused a smash, break, or cut projects and opportunities.  The sensation that something has deteriorated can often be recuperated and retaken by a better understanding of yourself. On the surface, the behavior is the signal. Notice and report your way of treating others and will see.
The man is a being able to construct a bad for yourself trying to hurt the other. The other is self-mirroring, a reflex, a mirage - a ghost from yourself that seeks to attack or to counter. 
Eliminating the other, he believes, removes the lack of something (complementarity), a return of "the good" that "bad." The other is the bad, while the good is the thing - about a misunderstanding: the things are goods.
It is an ideology in that he is potentially the holder of the right to be a "good" person and is not doing anything wrong, just taking the dirt out of the world. He is the owner.
If potentially good, and the good is the materiality of the world, it is logical that it is a potential owner of that ("your") world your will. So, a little effort to concretize that is to eliminate those who try to take that world off him.  So, conquering and getting things is similar to catching the world for yourself. For what happens is the ultimate end of the Evil, the other. But, he has discovered that your existence loses sense without the other. Others from groups, clubs, classrooms, college, and labor, it is more consequence and complementarity than can be the Other itself, beyond that, from a reproductive cultural lifestyle.
He needs him to live. He would like to captivate the other, by the good or by the Evil, close and lock the other in a prison where with the torture, he can do that exigency: if he recognizes with a good.
However, he knows that the interest is where he is the thing properly.
Many times, the good is only the thing. 
Assault again the Rancor and Resentment, emotions displaced of an evil-good living inside him. He loves egotistically, he is not a suicide, and he would not kill himself. The mission of that superhero is the legend: He has God's will and needs to protect the things (the goods), which is a good thing. He is the thing and will not dispense himself from the world - the paradise of the items.
There is an auto-return, a randomized feeling that does not make him reach the exit from that dark of Rancor and Resentment hall. 
He sees the exit sign but does not move - anxiety takes over him, living a life of suffering where the other is the guilt.
The Other is all those whom he wants to eliminate.
The dictator is alive, and the beast is free. 
The Rancor and Resentment are the amalgamations of lost life. A wasted soul cannot reach signification.

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