

It is a mask constructed in the social relationship.

Persona is the Greek name for a mask.

Personality is more interesting; it is the quality that one can evaluate yourself.

No one has how to make that without the Other.

So, Personality is a duality between at least two people

But, we are constructions of thinking.

The thinking comes from social life.

Life with many people.

We are floating in life,

our anchor,

the Personality is very fragmented

, atomized.

Personality does not exist; in reality,

is impossible.

However, we use masks.

One for going to school,

another for go church,

some specials for going see friends,

for etiquette on the table, and others more follows.

We mold or better,

we construct our character,

learning to use the masks for each occasion.

Well, the masks come from cultural

and social coexistence that we can have in society.

We use the norms and rules socials to coexist with others.

Moral habits,

ethical decisions,

creating and learning

and teaching

on the time's road, our language,

the accents,


the tastes that we have,

our preference for anything,

and sometimes, we realize

what calls our attention,

what is attractive about our singularity

- an individuality inside social life.

So, Personality is the quality of the masks that we use.

The persona is

a Greek word that represents the meaning of the mask

- something we put in our faces or try to show who we are.

The sign that comes from our masks

can be stranger to us

ugly with disgust


with smile




showing a mas of fear



fit for a propose








The set of masks that we use shows our way of existence.

Therefore we can use other masks,

new masks, creating masks too.

We are our masks

a set of persona

that synthesizes a Personality nominated

Before that

we are ourselves

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