
Be different

  Word does not are things like goods My life it was a seek of sensation My fears to express feelings before of understanding It was bending to reason which support the meaning I was dreaming, imagination My feet were walking on the clouds The world nearby made orders and moralities My inventions were fragmented Competencies, applications, obligations, obedience does not had pertinence in my way being I could make rain, tint the place and view from above to below Organisation of the stuff, defined aims, to know wait Fantasy and flight were my reality It dropped away lost completely Emotions with perception of more than can have a sensed effect Feelings were my days From that I had many misunderstandings Dust flying Birds digging Rats singing Windows dancing Cats walking around Insects playing football Furniture whispers song It does not is easy for those who wanted normality levelled Normal do not talk alone, I do Never fall down or have distractions They have coexisten...

La muerte de uno, su muerte es suya de ninguno más

    El fin, la muerte, de todo que hablamos en el micrófono del social control, hablamos en la piel de los bjos en la visión de un fin que no se corre al entendimiento si no cómo lo que se hizo o se determinó cerrando luces, pero lo que está en la visión no es complementario a una vida, el fin no se establece a medio camino.         Es el punto ciego de una geometría que pierde su configuración en el movimiento. No se mueve más. Es lo que no fluye más, no causa efecto, perdido el sentido de vida. El muerto no más reata con una configuración de presencia móvil, puede ser movido, cambiarse de su posición de cuerpo en deterioración, cosa inmediata, es la descamación, el fin de la integridad de uno.           Pequeñas partes que pierden su razón de ser complejo, pero en una otra complejidad, de disolución del entero. Se actúa el fin en sí mismo, moverse en desplazarse a quedarse en una lógica de finalidad. Al venir de uno comenzar ...

Vygotsky's theory and the right to fly

   To Sara, who led me to know Vygotsky's theory: We can fly. The only difficulty with this Is knowing if we have skills with our wings. Many people like me have listened to that for a long time. It happened while I lived with my parents and in all the periods that I was a student: You can fly. So it followed like a radio advertisement between music. To me, it was a measure of caution and torture. I had this sensation often when I lived alone, and that came again and again. I will need a keystone to open my understanding. I am trying to understand why. People repeated it, and the worst never had a terminus, increased and with many similar ways of saying. Grows and appears. Opens their wings. The sky is for a few. You need to arrange a way to clean your life, Ok. Try to take a lesson from that. Why not go from here? The world is like an orange flying in heaven. Could you make a schedule and then put your priority in that? Never had I given importance to it...

O que é isso?

   O que é isso? Isso? Isso é chouriço para comer no serviço, para não dar enguiço.   É um refrão popular que diz que alguém viu um embrulho, curiosidade, desejou saber. E se explica que se vai compartilhar um alimento.     Porém, vai acontecer naquele momento em que se busca do fogo, e se iça de lá para servir.    Serviço é ao mesmo tempo a arrumação da cozinha, as panelas no fogo, o processo do cozinhar. É também o arrumar da mesa, e todo o mais. Os condimentos que alguém traz, uma parte a mais, um pouco de tudo, e nisso, até um chouriço.    O que é divertido é o dado cadenciado das rimas, como algo extremamente definido, ético e correto porque já bem cabe ao que se sabe que é como uma cantoria do trabalho.      Todos estão envolvidos nesse cuidado de compartilhar. A dizer que de cada um surge um bem que a todos convém.    E é ainda, o chouriço um petisco. E o sujeito rimador, brinca, desconversa porque está a levar...

The technology of differentiated reproduction

    It is not a tautology to do the same things as others; it is because we seek some identity, a value, and it to be valued. In Aristotle, we can see that it treats virtue and the relation of correspondence as constructed by social and cultural practices in which a sense of Justice and Self-Mastering correspond with that worth. "We are right then in saying that these virtues are formed in a man by his doing the actions, but no one, if he should leave them undone, would be even in the way to become a good man." In that case, the technology or any other is a qualitative jump for someone to do something more easily. It is the technical operation and knowledge of a technology.      I have perceived that Aristotle appears again, in many forms, in structuralism, into dialectics of the knowledge with quotes like: "We are what we do," and what it represents when we think about the development of technique and technology, the influence in the social behavior in a hierar...

I would be free

I would like to say something that makes some sense. I would want a liberator education. in a country without pain Any place where someone would not live in the gutter and would not live off the dirty air eating the mess of certainty I would think of a space with a rise-up of bushes rather than grass. It would be somewhere where doubt would be the reason. Each one there would eat of uncertainty It would account for a history. It could laugh freely. Could touch piano and to blow an instrument singing the life An education that could freedom us of all liberty In this place, I would live in a home fenced where the pure air does not come and neither screws up. The little package of life could die with gratitude. and grace I would be blessed I believe in that My egotism and desire It would back within me. I would speak with dogs. I would wake up in the dawn. I could say I  never would die again. I would not have any education. I would be tied to the environment, creating an atmosphere w...

When you lost what was nothing

  Honor and praise are brands, for a few. It is necessary to balance your feelings, moving the wheels of your value in the right direction. Stay without anything; you will discover one day that you have lost what was nothing. Then you turn invincible. Learn to ride a bicycle. ####### Pedro's Books