A cabbage has infinite leaves; each leaf is called a possibility. In the set leaves, we can imagine a cabbage; we have more than a cabbage properly. We have a business structure that continues. Any definition of a business spirit makes itself time wasted in the pursuit of something. Money and realization or a sense of life in the middle of ethical decisions from some experiences and proposes from this nature is created for an integrated endeavor, a finality. Family, personal social history, religion, responses for a community that is participating, working group, understanding about politics, laws, orders, government rules, and paths of your own of a business are features of human life, and it is not different in a mind that wants to make a plan for the future. How to take up a plan with all these proposals is asking whose answers are divided into their own theses in what the reason for earning money in that place turns out to have meant. Cabbage leaves, in his mind, represented ...