Rancor and Resentment - stagnation of feeling and incapacity to overcome
The moral and ethical values do not move. Thinking without constructing is impossible; thinking is a construction process. They stagnated and closed the possible construction, and the referenced boat - from that metaphor - does not follow the meaning and the sense of a projection optimistic for life knowledge. A creative human value from social relationships. The Rancor closed that possibility. Resentment is the return on yourself of something that happen in that the resented person is submerged in an atmosphere whose "scent" indicates or gives a tip that the situation is sunk in the foul water from the present. The Resentment has that. Someone is involved with a turbid feeling he does not understand, which, within that psychological paradigm, is a no action, establishing a sensation from that needs to react against that inopportune feeling. The resented search that, it was floundering in the mud. Many things move us, but Rancor and Resentment cause loss, and...