
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Cat on the Moon (a short story)

tree tomato of orange color is sweet not very It is a shrub not too big nor too tall We had on a corner of the garden a bench under it there were old sounds from an age some fables come from memory the cat exhibitionist that climbed a top of tamarillo and when the light moon launched its mysterious rays led him to live there I tried to see him there once a time I was seeking a signal his tail at least anything to prove the story as real I heard a noise in the darkness and something rolled near me I did not know what there was Was it a fruit from the egg tree? Since my childhood I have doubt My grandfather appeared and took a cat from the bushes He gave me a golden kitty - I think that he came from the moon. A gift. And we called him Gold Moon. but could have been called Gold Tomato too I loved him Long time after I read about the goddess Moon Bastet. I discovered many cats name that represents the Moon

The Rooster in our life (a short story)

  you know all morning it wakes up  and the world around in the valley  in the mountains and hills It climbs on the highest branch of a tree in the roofs too it beat its wings singing a load  with a high-pitched voice making a sweet song it echoes for distance moving other like it to do the same so does not exist a place where  the chantory do not arrives He is a musician participating of warning it will  dawn the sunflower imitates following the light other plants and animals maybe make that at minor scale All began with a  the promise of a demigod  Prometheus take a ray of sun and brought to men He expected promition awareness for Men. The humans do not understand his intention they believed that the ray was the gold So, where the human being did go it sought golden stones It caused problems for all increased the desires the interests the jealous The selfishness and greed Illuminate the conscience is not possible with competition ignorance The earth people thought that gold was like

Things breathe

  of curious will of diaphanous joy by exchange and benefits the thinking following the rules and respect is the said coexistence until one thing It is the remain of the technical act which means humanity Something like: I have you do not have I can you can not have and kisses someone like it was a thing We sacrifice each other for coins for things living a hanging life in our treasures Oh! my cup (crying with joy) Oh! my car Oh! I claim for a love Oh! a real being Oh! (after I explain how it should work this beauty for my life)

The logical system

  the logical system  Tripartite in a cover of moralities  the results  are evident anticipations  on a brightness ink of verniz taking out the preserved structure the skeleton of a fleshy values deposit of meaning and senses a scientific beauty beyond from a possible reality It is a methodical ordination which needs of the historical capsule of knowledge and of a belief on the humanity I do not accomplishes correctly that but I like

pensée lointaine distant thought

  distant thought I touche the distance I opened it on paper the designs from my distraction all of them without damage It was that left me who own something it is like a fragile  image does not is available before do I the work the border of the lines the marks cannot be seen. the process no longer exists the past collection is lost it encountered and nonpresent pensée lointaine j'ai touché la distance J'ai ouvert sur papier les dessins de ma distraction le tout sans dommage c'était ce qui m'a laissé qui possède quelque chose c'est comme l'image fragile pas disponible avant de fait l'ouvrage les barrières de lignes derrière les images construites le processus n'existe pas les marques ne peut pas être vue la collection du passé est perdue trouvé et non présent

Fragmentary souls in the La Sagrada Familia

The plates were noising on the table, speaking about the prominence on the table places from each one. This happens in certain social groups, like small interest groups with a silent fight. They were in an effusive conversation about life's circumstances, questioning their life situation, if it could be cracked or definitely, turns broke could they lose their positions or functions, finishing their life in the backyard.      No more shelves would have where they could hide; no one cleaned up would be them, and no more could do part of a ritual sustaining a special meal and composing with design an offering to an important guest.The plates live inside shelves in a porcelain society structured in a complex interweaving of utility values.    They are utilitarians, functional people inside a hierarchic order, always seeking a position like it was the reason for life.      They live in the same form, unmoveable and unchangeable, with a tough character from thousand years, same thus, it

He came in that day

Came to seek some comfort and lie down anywhere - carried a heavy thought in the air   He had an abrasive breath Sometimes sough almost to tears aiming where it could stay I will wish know who he was and where he came from He liked to paint or put things back together and fix something around cleaned the house Cultivating roses in the backyard During the seasons, he took the vehicle to go downtown to make friends and sell the harvest. a good farmer was He was not that good at things that could hurt his frail hands.    Time flew by He treated me very well So I got used to your presence After ten years he left the home I will not forget him


I was walking by way that lead to home and - some lovely things happen in percouse - I had a chance to encounter no one but  three or more people that hate me. I do not knew what to do: ran lower head do not speak no greet Got me a despair attack a joyful a contemplation state involved the atmosphere They passed I stayed on trail in peace Lord thanks I was loving them I followed my shadow we came to garden  nothing of more even only a soft conversation

I had to see you again

  I had to see you again You moved the contact lost numbers are abstraction images are conventions aesthetics are concepts from communitarian rules from cultures experiences away from techniques confirmations revised from the chance I seeked by signals a similar form of behavior something exhaust tired of be righted caustic demarks away of the ordinary formule an abrupt way of to exist a light sanctified and I encountered you a group indistinct from yourself

He came that day

very nib arrived that morning and poused front us He was wearing a colorful outfit contrasting with your solemn manner His silence had an apparent joy the sadness around with a lost aspect of uncertainty went falling in our mind a low breath and a dormant restleness  He spoke with us as if we were old friends with calm and respect  We saw there was a light, a glow in your voice It was because of him that I wanted to be a teacher.

I woke up to dream

  I woke up to dream in my dream I was a warrior against nightmare of war I been wound because of my pretension I could not fight against the fight To do peace that is the war expectation I did not encounter other solution if not come back to sleep Now same little people know I am sleeping I do not dream more

Good things

 I believe in the good in goods I do not believe I have amount of stuffs neither I have confidence in reproductive discourses nor could have in the silencious discourse in moral sense I have unconfidence this smelling communitarian position I would like to like God therefore I love him through bridge connection by the inverse  I love my Dog the good to me is a possession that we pours out with love emotion and with material sense sense to throw away the heavy assurance of things

Old soul

  it is not exactly the revelation of the deterioration processing it is a loss in little parts that announce through of the nerves some discomfort is cool like live in an expensive community shelter open-day-night we can use the secure of life and to fish and to live alone in a forest or sing the forgot songs being grumpy searching anything that causes affliction a lovely forgivable boring senior pretending blind or deaf unbalanced maniac by the cleanliness a truth soul of right that hates strangers family and the world which is how I am I tried to take out the lamp of pole and? Are they crazy?