Innovation and creation


Interesting to know from afar. This is what happens with the Philosophy of Absence. Distances care for us and protect us, and when we call them close we are always afar, and  foreigners with them we are. However, when we deal with the place, where we certainly are, in some way immersed, we are persecuted, mistreated, chained and thrown into the murky waters of the ideological properties of speeches. Alone, in the whirlwind that silence produces, we bubble our absences, submerged in the deep shallows of our impossibilities, subjected to distances, to the generic river that takes us further and further, to be beautiful and loved.

The silence over the place is the boat that takes us to magnificent distances, from where we can be heroes, correct, freed from the smelly and violent swamp of local power. The philosophy of absence, the watery producer of distances, exempts us from all malice. It is an ideological capitalism where concepts of abstraction and salvation accumulate, an achieved paradise.

Innovation is very important to get continuity for development or testing equipment, new technologic processment, is a way to avoid of economic production investment with less, is a make-up from those that exist, a renovation, new ink, coupling of a system, it represent to enter into what seem new but it is not.

Possible word is an interference that lives in mind connections seeking a beyond here, the present state in an immediate perception itself. What is happening is what still does not happen in its complementarity, and what seems nex, what is sought with more clarity, and what is more we have is in the doubtful position. We do not have certainty about everything at the same moment.

Does reflect upon ourselves some truth, a knowledge that comes all the time from life. A poem is not a poem in its presentity with clarity, but the pronunciation to understand does not revealed, thus a thing is not a thing, neither it is a representativity, a symbolic of a culture, of a real impressive, it happen because the abstraction of wholeness, in that metaphysic it does not whether transform in something complete.

It provokes a state, and what is in the same doubt position is transformed into an expression, in a manifestation that takes us that chains that close us stuck in that situation. We are pushed at the same time to the premeditated sewer drain, and what makes this situation is our dare to question something that comes from human history, our survival in the experience that makes life.

A question is not a question when the asks escape the wholeness of all, the completeness of the object. We do not have a view of that, and for that reason we do not archive anything. It is necessary to mind take from culture, from understanding of concepts, knowledge, use of thinking and construction of thinking itself, abstraction in a constant jump to unknown, running risks about what we are develop, our creation and making with that a new language, or a pronunciation about these act in the thinking movement. We know how the processment of thinking is linked with reality, a  reality constructed, 

   We did not keep anything if not the little signals that integrate the system acting on the entire organic structure of the brain. It can have a place on the brain more adjusted to process memories, ideas, concepts, perceptions, but it is not logistic, like it was a place to store stuff, like a water tank. Does not is thus in that way. The neuroscience created through research of Milne Muller and the  neuropsychology created by Edith Kaplan, they have been  shown, and comproof from Vygotskian theories of sociocultural learning the brain plasticity.

Life is made by itself into cultural and social relationships and interaction in its constant waste. So, if the duality between life and death or to know or not is an organic production itself through life condition from these social relations and interaction, the loss is the human prerogative to face the existence, to move souls and hearts to get another condition. We can see that our keep is reiterated, rethough into some logical dialectic cartesian of might and social values, in established order, it is made of such a way that this logic from belongings, forms in stock does not are more than caricature from what happened before.

Take out something from your live luggage, and anything more is beyond an own structure, I am referring to those of lack and origin. The felicities descend from momentaneous states, abrupt melt the common, it turns other things. When we think differently we lose our relation of belonging, and the things that happen in its manifestation seem like something that lives out that anthropocentric life. A life, we see from which we identify, having some identity, participating in a cultural community.

If we leave our thinking aside from that situation, when we throw out our self, we can see again where we are, and could revitalize our understanding of ourselves and others. Another that is the wholeness presence, one in your singularity. We smile again, enjoying that life without hanging high. So we can perceive life as an amusement. The fun  life.

The intricate thinking in its complexity disappear, a person like Tesla, a Picasso, Einstein, a crazy man by go far of our social extract, beyond our common life also play, smiling with simple things, making mistakes many times, sleeping beside an electric chain of high tension, or put tongue out, or paying his debts barefoot in a bank queue, or rolling on the grass with your childs, anyway, the individuality does not exist we are made of culture and society. No one dispenses help from no one, we are together even when we are far away.

So, is easy thinking beyond ourselves, stranger and different things, nebulous ideas, creating our scientific process, or developing something, remaking a algorithm, writing a book least not comprehensible, to be a poet, a cook master, someone with skills still that does not be applicable, invent or innovate a play, new words, but it is hard while we are comfortable with our beliefs, our creatures of relationship that given us peace. It is not bad, anything more than living the life how you want.

Ideologies that say you do not create nothing, are the same that say that rest to us the innovation, complementarity in a puzzle in that there is a gestalt, a figure on bottom that, whose value is discernible, accepts and was configured to do that. It only follows what manuals indicate, and any change is only an expression given from the same effect. We can play that, what does not leave to be amused, on computer, on table with little or thousand scattered pieces. Color, forms, themes, at it in different ways, but it still is a puzzle, and what we are doing is playing it from the same way, so, the complementarity is the innovation, it is not an invention, or a creation.

A concept transferred in a mathematical formula, by example is something that arrived in that state asking to be another formula. A knowledge follows the variation of knowledge of others to construct a new. An innovation can be good, provocative, changing our view for those things, but it is not bad we innovate our way of dressing, following fashions, making options between things. It is important, too.

Until then, social conjunctions, this and that state, the event there or here, at the moment it is pronounced makes it almost true, and that is to say, less possible. Everything flows, and the whole disappears in the utterance. So, when you construct a way to perceive the world, the people will see you in a different way, you will turn  into a weird person in your  community. It can be good or bad, but it is not an option. Your own transformation will create a barrier, a borderline or more specifically a frontier. How much you want to be different - it is not made by chance, need for a decision will be at yourself, an ethical position whose generated situation is imposed. Resilience, searching for understanding, trying to be accepted again, making an explanation, sermon, lecture, teaching about it is not resolved, the traditional norms and rules from the community does not know more who you are.

There are no structures, Platonic geometries do not subsist in materiality, even the framework of their political vision is established. There is no real cognate that is as such. It is different, abstraction helps, but it does not make the experience. Which can mean that ideologies reach their paths, believing that they are paved until they reach the future. The future through creativity is not pavemented, is not a defined path. We can have something that lets us make a decision. The decision of creating despite what this will cause in the middle that you coexist with others will leave you alone. No doubt that even loneliness we are filled with humanity values. It is a resignification that can be recognized in the future or not, implicating in a way life that maybe does not fit with the rest of society. To do creative things requires a personal revelation that lets us feel good with our thinking.

You will be named like someone disintegrated: “it is out of question”, “it comes from a crazy man”, “it does not make sense”, “makes things without motive”, and other forms of evaluation and scare will are quotidian facts. Envy, hate, jealousy, anger and others kind emotions are saying that this or those does not want change. They do not want to understand or not understand it. It is possible that someone likes that, husband, wife, good and old friend, father, mother, maybe brothers, and one or another from social life. Generally poets dying in the Punt around Sea Red, stoned on the street, hidden in an atelier, robbed for friendship that used your knowledge, in a gratuity comic, or to be a success. So, when that happens, the “crazy man” needs to do a personal evaluation, asking yourself: “what is happening?” 

Bloody and forgivable, separatist and valuable actions, hygienic in their way of being, monetaries, of interest only end when the confrontation, and all the counter-revolt is equalized into a pragmatist condition: use of a knowledge. 

The efforts to change the course of events, the deterrence to couple other ideologies through complementarity in order to reinforcement or not, it succeed through comparison, analisis, levering of thesis to  interpretations, realization of a dialectical process, a value moral in debate, an ethical approve. Or a deep hermeneutic, an exegesis on the categories that maintain them.

So your creative thinking, artistic, scientific problem is transformed. They are the coalitions of forces that glued your work to be accepted. They concrete your behavior, your essay, research, studies and what be you invented assuring an adjusted thought to last. To be creative is the beginning path of auto cancel, or propose of public concealment, is solicitation to be abandonment, a social exclusion, a way to be mistreated, of bullying suffers, and the unique path for personal liberation.

The ideologies continue, they belong to new lines, they come from wings of political parties, from an academic study, or the lack thereof, through the millenarianism of a status. The need to belong to a group, order, a value, even if self-related connotes an advance towards the socialized world. I say socialized in the sense that one understands the ideological position that is moved into the social, the tools for defending some identity, the thread of any thought. Pure, documented speech, of origin that states, as if in a manual, how one should respond or correspond, how to present that.

We can ink our shack, broken furniture, but still will be an inked shack and broken furniture. The creation is the thing more unevaluated in relation to innovation, because if you use complementarity as an effect, the investment is less than using a creation. Innovation is the ideology of less investment and more earnings.

Recipe is ready, it is done and proofed, is only change color, form, configurations; now with a creative thing is different, need other place to do, or pan, or temperature, product, what unite or separate, the material, process of approach, the face of product, what is attractive and what is not, a complex technology behind, duration on market, etc. You will be demanded, will talk, you made plagiarism, called you mad, and someone could earn money with that, maybe you will become famous without nothing or with a cache.

In the past the productor, employer, and governments say that the condition is not important. The worker makes your work in many complex and bad conditions, sometimes in that horrible condition the worker produces more.

What remains is your dare to make a decision to create something.

Is not your spirit of a will intouchable, a pride justified.

Today is the condition. The condition since Aristotles until now: what, where, when, how, and investment.

That's why the amateur takes a step forward. No moral or clear insight into what he can do. Politically protected, without dreams, no ethical value, no art, and he does not need good condition - he has a soul filled full of holes - one more or one less, it is indifferent. Ideology, schemes, groups, dictatorships be whoever he is ready to work.

What can sensitize one common man that works day by day behind the suitable coins is the coins. What can sensitize a businessman, an investor, a producer, a literary agent is not your creation. No one wants your creation when they have many amateurs for free or little money.

Sometimes you can create. Is important to create and develop a great artistic idea. But we must not forget that this happens sometimes.

Creativity is destruction walking together. In the same time that creation happens, destruction is presented. What it got is transformed and only recognised by those who are initiated. The rest is innovation made by compatibility and logical system by accepted laws and aesthetically moralities. Creation is only ethical act.





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